What is AWS Dynamodb single Table design?

Sunil Kumar
4 min readAug 12, 2023

What is Dynanodb?

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed for applications that require high availability, scalability, and performance while offering low-latency access to data. DynamoDB is particularly well-suited for use cases where flexible schema design, automatic scaling, and seamless replication are essential

Single-Table Design

DynamoDB Single-Table Design is an advanced design pattern used in Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Instead of creating separate tables for each data type, this design pattern stores multiple types in one table.

The goal of the Single-Table Design is to improve query performance, reduce data duplication, and simplify data management in DynamoDB. It can be particularly useful in scenarios where you have a variety of related data entities and complex relationships between them.

Key concepts and strategies of the DynamoDB Single-Table Design:

  1. Partition Key and Sort Key: Every item/record in a DynamoDB table must have a unique partition key. In Single-Table Design, the partition key is carefully chosen to distribute data evenly and efficiently across the partitions. The sort



Sunil Kumar
Sunil Kumar

Written by Sunil Kumar

With an extensive professional experience spanning over 16 years in the IT industry, I am a seasoned expert in AWS Cloud, DevOps, FastAPI, and Python.

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