Python: Facade Design Pattern

Sunil Kumar
3 min readSep 14, 2022

The facade is a part of the Gang of Four design pattern and it is categorized under Structural design patterns. Sometimes we have a system that becomes quite complex over time as more features are added or modified. It provides a simplified interface to a system, library, framework, or any other complex set of classes.

What problems does it solve?

  • To make a complex subsystem easier to use, a simple interface should be provided for a set of interfaces in the subsystem.
  • The dependencies on a subsystem should be minimized.

The three components of the Facade Pattern:

  • System class — The sub-systems have complexity.
  • Facade class — Unified and user-friendly interface.
  • Client — Classes that use Facade class to access the functionality of the system.

UML Diagram

System flow diagram



Sunil Kumar
Sunil Kumar

Written by Sunil Kumar

With an extensive professional experience spanning over 16 years in the IT industry, I am a seasoned expert in AWS Cloud, DevOps, FastAPI, and Python.

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